Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm posting some more gouache studies, painted this past week. One outdoor, the other painted at home. I am using watercolors as a base and then introducing more opaque colors as I complete the pieces. I am using Holbein Zinc white gouache along with other colors on top of the more transparent washes of traditional watercolors. I am also using a cheaper student grade Montval watercolor block (10x14") which is really nice for reworking the surface. It seems to take a lot of rough brush work while building up a luminous patina.


A. Riabovitchev said...

B E A U T I F U L !!!!!:O)

Kinman said...

these are awesome erik! very inspiring.. i want to paint more still lifes now..

Dave McNeal said...

fantastic! thanks for the update.

Idiot Circus Boy said...

Wow, those are just gorgeous!

Don Gray said...

Beautiful work, Erik. Love your gestural style and your eye for color and light.

Anonymous said...

Hi Erik. These are fantastic. the saturate light on the house is stunning. And the roses look so alive. These paintings resemble your digital paintings, nice to see that your handywork shows through :)

craig said...

so much information with a loose, gestural quality. Fantastic!

Jason Dunn said...

Wow! This is so interesting to look at! There's so much life and personality in the brush strokes.

Nathan Fowkes said...

Excellent handling.

Bagel said...

really amazing looking

Anonymous said...

Yes! Good stuff.

Jackson Sze said...

So rich and full of life, awesome!

Shelly Wan said...

Truly stunning.

katzenjammer studios said...

these are amazing!

Adrian Lubbers said...

Beautiful. I really envy those of you who know how to paint so well.

Project Pink Suitcase said...

Very nice work Erik! You always amaze me! Keep it up!

Marcos Mateu said...

Beautiful paintings. I love the strong sense of lighting and composition!

mkornatka said...


Vic said...

Excellent work!