Monday, May 07, 2007

This is an experimental landscape from imagination using rough fabriano (Aristico) paper with watercolor and gouache. I reworked the clouds a number of times. The surface stood up to repeated washes and scumbles. An Australian landscape comes to mind. I have seen a number of excellent water media artists that come from down under via art books.


Jared Shear said...

Very nice...the clouds turned out fantastic, well worth the effort. I really enjoy that mass of trees in the foreground, and that little touch of cool blue in the distance.

Kinman said...

wow.. superb! i especially like how the texture of the paper really adds to the light portrayed in the painting.

Jackson Sze said...

The color mixing is always so sophisticated!

Sunil Pant said...

Nice overall tone - the clouds look fantastic.I like the shadowing underneath the clouds with gray shades.Nice depth and contrast between foreground and background.
I almost want to see a settlement of little houses at a distance.It might add to the depth in the painting.
I like the loose feel to all your work.Makes the landscape look very alive!

sophan said...

you got quite an imagination there.

Alexander Vasolla said...

Great tone and texture. ALso I like the movement and brushstrokes.

william wray said...

Feels a bit on the English tradition to me. Whatever it's really nice.

Daniela Lot said...

I like your paintings a lot.

Anonymous said...

Its nice to see someone using gouache. I think it's a lovely medium and it doesn't get enough attention from most artists. I have used it for flowers, though not recently. I must confess that an English landscape also came immediately to my mind, rather in the Constable tradition, with that beautifully-positioned tree and windswept sky.