Developing compositions loosely with watercolor, gouache - Zinc white, with small additions of pastel and pen and ink on some of the drawings/paintings. Very rapid studies in the 4" - 6" range. Most of the work on Fabriano Ingres paper with a laid style of paper, along with Arches hot press 90lb paper.
Truly breathtaking Erik!! The energy in your brush strokes are just amazing. Congrats!!
awesome man! Thanks for taking time to share these, very cool roughs.
I love the colors.. so rich and subtle :)
Love your work Erik. How about adding an form for folks who want to receive your new posts via email? I'd be the first to sign up.
This blog puts us all in the dust. You're obviously very serious about your materials and approach, which is inspiring but daunting for me since it certainly requires that extra bit of focus and effort...
Bravo! What confidence in those brushstrokes.
Hello Erik, I just watched your watercolor and gouache painting DVD and was trying to figure out what type of pen you were using during the thumbnail lecture? I noticed the name Faber Castell but have been unable to locate one at the store or web. What type of pen specifically is that. I have trouble with my pens "bleeding". I noticed you also use a papermate pen. Question two, what type of brown WC paper is that in the thumbnail sequence? Where can I buy this stuff? I loved the whole set-up. Thanks for re-invigorating watercoloring for me. Please drop me a line if you can help. Thanks again. markleveno@gmail.com
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