Happy New Year!!
Jumping back into it with a gouache and ink study from an oil sketch by Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes (Toulouse 1750 - Paris 1819). A remarkable painter and theoretician of Classical Landscapes. He was a major influence on creating the Prix-de-Rome du Paysage Historique... the big prize for landscape painters. Archille Michallon was one of his students and Corot being his student.
His Landscape with Ruins has a Roman setting. I think it's interesting to see nature take over the building forms and dissolve early architectural profiles.
Your light is always so theatrical. I love it. I cant tell you how much I've learned from your demo on this blog and just looking at your work. Hope to get out there to take a workshop with you one day. If you get a chance click on my name and check out some of the landscape work I've been up to. I'd love some feedback.
Happy New Year
Your work is amazing as always, I just love the textures in them.
I keep wondering though if we will ever see the PDF demo though, I am not even bothered if there is a charge, I would pay for it.
Gorgeous as always!
Thanks Gregory, beautiful tonal Inness inspired studies on your site... keep painting!
Joseph, I am dying to finish my ebook. I've been slammed(blessed) with film design work right now, but I am targeting February. I may put it out as audio slide show rather than written out with the pictures.. do you have a preference?
Thanks so much Jackson! I have to come down and visit the Southland this year.
Good luck with the work, I wish I was as Blessed at the moment, going to have to go out of my comfort zone and start asking other local businesses for commission (just what everyone wants a potter asking them to buy things)
Once the little is off to sleep I have a kiln to unload, photographs to take for promotion, a another bunch that need photoshoping, some posters to do for Saturday then after that I am going to try and get my paints out.
I am determined to actually paint this year my wife told me 3 years ago I wasn't allowed to learn till I was good enough at throwing pottery now there isn't anything I can't throw if I put my mind to it.
No I don't have a preference, whatever is easiest for you.
Audio commentary would be even better along with pictures! ;)
I was wondering if you still had plans for that workshop near san rafael/novato area.. that emailed me awhile ago about?
amazing - love it!
Hello Erik,
nice to see some new work.
I was wondering if there is going to be any The Art of Erik Tiemens anytime soon?
As I have bought your Gnomon DVD, and as long time fan, I would very much like to purchase a book with your work...
Your paintings are beautiful. You've inspired me to take up watercolor painting again after 20 years. Unfortunately, my paintings suck. Oh well, at least I'm trying.
I am mucking along with waterclor and experimenting with gouache. I noticed that you sometimes use hot press and sometimes cold press papers. Can you tell me why you would choose one over the other? I've always used cold press and am curious.
Urban Wild,
I would say experiment with all kinds of papers. Hot press has the advantage of a plate smooth finish for details and holds up to editing/corrections.
I like to go with cold press when working larger or wanting more texture. Hot press is great for small format sketches and detail work. Many paintings by Turner and Bonnington where created on fairly thin, smooth papers, vs. painters like David Cox who exploited the course papers for storm scenes.
Hope that helps a bit,
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